Child Occupational Therapy in Victoria, BC
Making Sense Occupational Therapy is a private practice of pediatric occupational therapy run by Limor Holla CAOT COTBC, RASP for families with children in the Greater Victoria region.
What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapy (OT) is the art and science of enabling people to engage in activities that are meaningful to them through evidence-based practice and clinical reasoning. To this end, I help my clients acquire the skills needed to perform their desired activities, in various settings—such as clinic, school, home, and work—by engaging the person in a playful-learning, fun, patient, motivating, relationship-based environment.

All services are guided by the
following beliefs and principles:
All children and their caregivers are unique and valued
All children and their caregivers are welcome
Focusing on letting go of labels around behaviour and becoming curious about the function of the behaviour
Oftentimes children cannot self-regulate by themselves until later stages in life and require support, modeling and teaching from a caregiver through co-regulation
All children can benefit from play and learning
All children do their best with what they have at that moment
It takes a village to raise a child
The brain has the potential for plasticity, growth, and change at all given ages and stages
To change undesirable behaviour in your child’s repertoire, you have to model, teach and offer alternative behaviour. That process comes with time, nurture and maturity
All children try their best to do well if they can, with the right
Kids are not “just seeking attention”. They are actually seeking our presence and connection.
Having a Growth Mindset (flexible, compassionate and positive way of thinking towards self, as well as grit and willingness to work) is more important than being a fast learner
OT Services

The assessment may be either just an initial screening or a full assessment, depending on the needs of the child, the wishes of the parents, and the available budget.

The consultation is based on information from the caregivers of the child and my observations.

The treatment is based on the needs of the child, the established goals, and the budget.
Contact Limor
Flexible appointments.
Or call — 778 977 5139